Renewal Client

From VanRO Ragnarok Online





There are a few changes to the game's interface. The basic information window now has buttons below it for easy access to various game features. These buttons only appear when the information window, however, is maximized.

Info After pressing the info button, your character information window appears. The equipment window is now merged with the status window. You may opt to minimize or maximize your status information by clicking on the status button below your equipment information.
Party This button simply brings you to your party window. (Alternative shortcut: ALT + Z)
Skill Brings you to your skill tree. (Alternative shortcut: ALT + S)
Guild Brings you to your guild information window.
Item Opens your inventory.
Quest A new feature that shows what quest you're currently doing, and shows your progress.
Map Opens the map to Midgard. (Alternative shortcut: ALT + `)
Option Brings the options menu.

A quickbar is also added on the top right portion of the screen. It's basically room for two more skills or items that you can only click on. You can't assign hotkeys to the skill / items on the quickbar.


Pressing Esc closes the windows you have open, from the last window you opened up to the first.

You can now configure your own hotkeys if the default hotkeys for the client doesn't seem convenient for you. To do so, you have three options.

The easiest option would be..

  • Make sure your basic information window (The window with your HP, SP, Base and Job Level, etc) is maximized, so you see buttons below it.
  • Click the Options button.

If you don't have too many windows open,

  • Press Esc until the options window pops up.

If you have many windows open,

  • Press F11 to close all the unneccessary windows.
  • Then, press Esc to bring the options window up.

Press the BM/Shortcut Settings button on the menu so that a new window pops up. This is window has three tabs, namely, Skill Bar, Interface, and Emotions.

Skill Bar On the Skill Bar Tab, Hotkey 1-1 to 1-9 would be the first row for your hotkey window. The hotkey window is a window that has nine boxes. Here, you can drag and drop skills or items to be able to use them with just one click. Hotkey 2-1 to 2-9 would be the second window, and so on.
Interface This tab basically lists all the windows you can open along with the list of their hotkeys.
Emotions By default, your alt + M or emotions window has emotions or smileys set into them. This tab basically refers to the emotions you have set in this window. If you have the text fields on your emotions window set to something else, then that's what you access when you press the hotkeys assigned on this tab.

To change the hotkeys assigned to this tab, you can click on the respective hotkey or name listed that you wish to change, and press the button that you want to replace it. It will automatically be changed. Pressing Esc removes the assigned hotkey again. Pressing Cancel Resets the hotkeys to their default setting, which would be the setting of the hotkeys before any changes were made.

Permanent Battlemode

This client basically is in permanent battlemode. This means, to type or chat to anyone, you have to press Enter to bring up the white chat box with two text fields since the QWERTY keys are assigned to your hotkeys.

F12 doesn't scale through various skill hotkeys anymore, it simply extends the hotkey bar up to four rows which means, more hotkeys for everyone! Another option you might like to choose for hotkeys would be to click on the lower-right portion and drag it onto how many rows you would like.

Please read the guide to battlemode if you aren't familiar with Ragnarok's battlemode feature.

New Storage

This client's storage has many new features like Search, Sort, and various tabs like Item, Cash, Weapon, Armor, Ammo, Card, and Misc.


Search is found on the bottom part of the storage window, it's simply a text field followed by a Search button. To use it, you simply type the name of the item you wish to search, and a new mini window with the results will pop up. Note: This search function is case sensitive!

Sort pretty much sorts your items according to their item name. Refined armors go first, and the rest of the unrefined items are sorted accordingly. Please note that the items' names include their prefixes.

This button is found beside the search button. If you don't wish your items to be sorted, clicking on prev which replaces sort if your storage is already sorted would be another option.

There are six buttons above the Search and Sort that are set to off by default. These buttons, when click, open up small windows of the tabs shown below, to make it more convenient to look for items and put them in your inventory. This means you can open up to six mini storage windows at once!


Here is a table consisting of brief descriptions on what items are stored on each tab.

Item All usable items. (potions, healing items, bloody branches, gift boxes, etc.)
Cash Not used in this server.... yet.
Weapon Weapons of all the classes.
Armor All the other equipments that don't go to the weapon slot.
Ammo Arrows, Bullets, Venom Knives, etc.
Card All the cards dropped by monsters.
Misc Everything else in the etc tab, mostly items used in quests.


The chat in this client is now more advanced and more convenient. You can have as many windows as you want and set options for each window to reveal only what you wish to see.

There are six buttons on the upper right portion of the chat window. A keyboard, a screw, two greater than signs, a plus, a minus, and a pad lock.

Keyboard This activates your chat, basically enabling or disabling the text field where you can type whatever you want to say.
Screw Opens a window for the options on the tab you have opened, you can set its settings here.
Two greater than signs Separates your tabs, making them separate but smaller windows.
Plus Adds another tab to your chat window.
Minus Closes the last tab you have opened.
Pad lock Locks your chat window so you can't drag or drop it accidentally.

See Also

RO Future Wiki - Renewal Changes