Orc Memory Dungeon

From VanRO Ragnarok Online


Base Level: 30 ~ 255
Party: 2+ members
Experience: Base EXP: Job EXP:
None None
Quest Reward(s): Private Orc Hero Battle

  1. With 2 or more people in your Party, the party leader needs speak with Dimensional Gorge Piece (gef_fild10 242, 202) to "Reserve the Orc's Memory".
  2. After the dungeon is created, speak to the Dimensional Gorge Piece to "Enter the Dungeon".
    • Note: A window will appear showing pertinent time limits for the dungeon. If it is closed, it can be opened again with with the shortcut Alt+B.
    • Note 2: There is a 2 hour time limit for completing the quest before the instance is destroyed.
  3. Once inside, the party leader must speak to Kruger (1@orcs 180,29) to start the instance.
    • Note: It may take several minutes for Kruger to activate.
  4. To pass each zone on the first map, you must kill the Enchanted Orc in that zone. Kruger explains that each non-enchanted orc you kill will cause a High Orc to spawn near the exit.
    • Depending on the challenge you wish to face, you may kill only the Enchanted Orc, or instead kill everything. If enough Orcs are killed, a large mob of Stalatic Golems will spawn at the end of the 4th zone.
  5. The first Enchanted Orc spawns at (142, 87). Killing it opens a portal at (168, 125).
  6. The second Enchanted Orc spawns near (106, 108). Killing it opens a portal at (89, 94).
  7. The third Enchanted Orc spawns at (32, 44). Killing it opens a portal at (38, 105).
  8. The fourth Enchanted Orc spawns near (24, 178). Killing it opens a portal at (21, 189).
  9. On the second map, speak to Kruger again (2@orcs 35, 169). He explains that you will need to extinguish the Braziers to proceed to the next zone.
    • As before, depending on the challenge you wish to face, you may kill only the specific guards, or instead kill everything. If enough Orcs are killed, a large mob of Wraiths will spawn at the end of the 4th zone.
  10. The Braziers in the first zone are at (27, 164), (55, 154), (108, 145), and (99, 179). After being activated in order, The Chief Orc of Safeguards will spawn at (110, 156). Killing him will open a portal at (48, 100).
  11. The Braziers in the second zone are at (35, 92), (33, 70), (71, 30), and (84, 50). After being activated in order, Orc Sniper will spawn at (67, 64). Killing him will open a portal at (101, 55).
  12. The Braziers in the third zone are at (143, 144), (162, 134), (145, 116), and (137, 98). After being activated in order, Depraved Vengeful Orc Spirit will spawn at (156, 147). Killing him will open a portal at (167, 104).
  13. After the Depraved Vengeful Orc Spirit dies, a Depraved Orc Hero and Shaman Cargalache will spawn in the 4th zone.