Maintenance 2015-10-01
From VanRO Ragnarok Online
Template:Maintenance/Start Loki
- Mermaid card should work as intended (Needs testing)
- Treasureberry changed to no longer work in HoA
- Ranked Weapons should properly give the 200 seeking damage instead of 10
- Rental Costume items removed from headgear section in cashshop and moved to rentals
- Nidhoggur's nest should properly allow donates.
- Mining Points should no longer be triggered when walking close to them.
- Notoriety Tier 2 Corners of the world quest fixed to accurately display items required.
- Christmas Box properly gives items again.
- Various Fixes with sealed shrine / other things
- Jaty Crown fixed to be tradable
- Horus properly prevents specific non-woe skills / items
- Raccoon Hat earth resistance fixed.
- Piece of brain is available from the pet food npc
- VIP Dungeon proper mapflags have been readded.
- Soul link pots on rogue after being rebirth linked should properly give effect (maybe, needs testing)
- Guild Towns no longer inherit mapflags from the maps they are copied from
- Cedi should properly dispell Berserk and Wind Walk if you aren't the appropriate class
- Removed No Bet From Deathmatch NPC
- Deathmatch Ranking page is added to the website!