Heart Fragment Quest

From VanRO Ragnarok Online
Base Level: 60
Quest Prerequisite(s): How the Airship Works Quest
Items: 2 Red Potion
Experience: Base EXP: Job EXP:
Eir: 3,500,000

Loki: 70,000,000
Tyr: 70,000,000

Eir: 2,00,000

Loki: 40,000,000
Tyr: 40,000,000

1. Go to any Airport and board the Domestic Airship. Talk to Hallen (Located at 236, 63) and he asks you to deliver a letter to his cousin Kaci. Head downstairs to the gaming tables and deliver the letter to Kaci (Located at 36, 70). Talk to her again and ask her about everything she knows. After that, head back to Hallen and he will talk about his curiosity on how the airship operates.

2. Go back to Hallen and when prompted, reply with "Yes, I do". He will reward you with:

1 Red Potion

Keep on talking to him and he will ask if you for information on how the airship flies. Once you have shared the information you have gathered, he will thank you and reward you with:

1 Red Potion

3. Talk to Hallen again and he will mention he heard the words "Heart of Ymir" from a Drunken man and ask you to find Kaci for more information.

4. Ask Kaci about the Drunken man. She will tell you he is the Einbroch Lab Director.

5. Go to Einbroch and enter the Laboratory (Located at 54, 52) to investigate further. In order for you to enter, you must successfully input a set of passwords within 60 seconds. Here are some of the passwords:

You give me no choice. I guess it's time for me to reveal my secret...
fReeDoM eCstAcy JoUrnaLiSm ArMpIt DisCoverY hEaDaChE MoonbeAmS jUsTiCE
Coboman no chikara-yumei na chikara-daiookii na chikara da ze! COBO ON
...silence. quiet benevolence...soul mate...wonder. enigma...cloud.
opeN,Open!op3n.openOpen0p3nOpEn0pen`open'0Pen open?open!111OPENSESAME
By the power of p-po-poi-po-poi-poin-poing GOD-POING. I NEVER LOSE!
uNflAPPaBLe LoVaBLe SeCreTs AnD BoWLiNg aGaINST tHe KarMA of YoUtH
I'm the King of All Weirdos! Now you know of my true power. Obey~!
belief love luck grimace sweat rush folktale rodimus optimus bumblebee
You give me no choice. I guess it's time for me to reveal my secret...
  • Note: Make sure that you do not include any spaces in the beginning or the end of the required phrase.

6. Inside the Laboratory, walk at (264, 16) to get the password checker and to decode the password and get the information. Step over to the machine at (Located at 261, 35) to start decoding. You must enter the correct 3-digit code (numbers 1-9) to successfully decode the password.

  • Note: Every digit is different.

7. When you find the information, Ferlock will appear. He will ask you to leave and meet him at the airship. Proceed to the Domestic Airship and talk to Ferlock (Located at 236, 163), show your suspicions about the Heart of Ymir to Ferlock. He will tell you that there might be someone behind all the attacks of the airship. He will inform you when he has more information. He will reward you for your help.

  • 70,000,000 (Loki/Tyr) or 3,500,000 (Eir) Base Experience
  • 40,000,000 (Loki/Tyr) or 2,000,000 (Eir) Job Experience

External Links

Template:Navbox Airships Arc Quest