Ayothaya Dungeon Entrance Quest

From VanRO Ragnarok Online
Item(s) (Consumed): 3 Spool, 1 Solid Husk, 3 Holy Water, 3 Needle Packet, 1 Yggdrasil Leaf
Items: Holy Threads, Holier Threads, 1 Old Blue Box
Experience: Base EXP: Job EXP:
None None
Quest Reward(s): Access to maps Template:MapLink and Ayothaya Dungeon

1. In Ayothaya, find Dusit (Located at 82, 132) by the far left beach area. He'll talk about a tiger and say "Yes, you believe in man-eating tigers." He will then tell you to go to Boonthon.

2. Boonthon can be found inside a house (Located at 65, 104). Just go south from Dusit and loop around to the left and up along the wooden walkways. She'll ask you for items to make a holy thread after you talk to her telling her you want to find the tiger.

1 Solid Husk
1 Holy Water
1 Needle Packet
1 Spool 

3. Bring these and she'll give you the Holy Threads which allow you to enter Template:MapLink. Note : At this point, You can make multiple Holy Threads, BEFORE starting Step 7. You can not make Holy Threads Once you've obtained Holier Threads.

4. Go outside of her house and head to ayothaya field, 1 map east of Ayothaya. Walk east to the cliff and you will see an old man, Puraim (Located at 128, 197) that asks you if you really want to go down there, say Yes and you'll be moved to Template:MapLink.

5. Head to the temple, and go inside.

6. Here you'll find a mapless maze. There's also a drop down pool, avoid walking into these, since they kill you if you fall down them, and you do lose EXP. You'll see 3 possible paths facing North and 3 to the West, the North facing one farthest to the West will cause a pop-up dialogue to activate and start flashing crosses on the mini-map.

7. These are hidden panels along the way, you'll need to press them in order!

  • Notes:
    • Using a Fly Wing or Teleporting will cancel the crosses so you'd best have a good memory or reactivate them after each one you find.
    • If you Teleport around, it is possible that you land in a drop down pool! and then you'll lose experience.

Map of Crosses (Approximate):

Note: The dark zone in center is only a pool of water

Once you activate all 6, return to Boomthon. She will make Holier Threads for you, and asks for these items:

2 Needle Packet
2 Holy Water
2 Spool
1 Yggdrasil Leaf

8. After making the Holier Threads, you're able to return to the maze and access Template:MapLink!

9. Once you make it down to Template:MapLink, head for (268, 107). Talk to the NPC tile to be given 1 Old Blue Box.

10. After collecting the Old Blue Box, head back to Boomthon, you will be told that because of your adventurous spirit, you should keep it.

External Links

Ayothaya Arc Quests
First Quest Final Quest
Ayothaya Dungeon Entrance Quest Footprint Quest

Template:Navbox Map Access Quests