Access Quests

From VanRO Ragnarok Online
Revision as of 09:30, 14 May 2024 by Jowie (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)
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The following table lists which areas or dungeons require a quest to access them, along with selected quest requirements and at which step permanent access to said area is granted.

Dungeon (Level) / Game Area Quest Base Level Requirement Party Requirement
(Includes the Player)
Access Gained
(The step after which the dungeon can be freely entered and left)
Access Item(s)
Abyss Lake Abyss Lake Entrance Guide None Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Amatsu Dungeon (Start of Amatsu Dungeon 1st floor) Amatsu Dungeon Entrance Quest None Template:No Upon Completion 7160 Feudal Lord Permit
Amatsu Dungeon (End of Amatsu Dungeon 1st floor) Amatsu Blue Harvest Quest 40 Template:No Step 5 Template:No
Ayothaya Field 2
and Ayothaya Dungeon
Ayothaya Dungeon Entrance Quest None Template:No Field & Dungeon Level 1 - Step 3
Dungeon Level 2 - Step 8
7285 Holy Threads
& 7287 Holier Threads
Bangungot Hospital Nurse in Port Malaya 100 Template:No Step 22 Template:No
Brasilis Dungeon Brasilis Dungeon Entrance Quest 40 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Central Laboratory Instance To Phantasmagorika! 140 Template:No Step 22 Template:No
Eclage Eclage Entrance Quest 120 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
El Dicastes Sapha's Visit 70 Template:No Step 8 Template:No
Endless Tower Endless Tower 50 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Flame Basin & Flame Cave Dimensional Travel 140 Template:No Flame Basin - Step 3
Flame Cave - Upon Completion
(As long as portal is open, all players regardless of having completed the quest or holding the item can enter.)
Sign Quest 50 Template:No Upon Completion 7025 Lucifer's Lament
Heart Hunter War Base 2 Instance Terra Gloria 100 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Illusion of Abyss Turtle Island Illusion of Abyss Turtle Island 150 Template:No Main Quest: Step 2 Template:No
Illusion of Moonlight Illusion of Moonlight 100 Template:No Main Quest: Step 5 Template:No
Illusion of Vampire Illusion of Vampire 130 Template:No Main Quest: Step 1 Template:No
Isle of Bios Instance Dimensional Travel 160 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Kiel Robot Factory Kiel Hyre Quest 70 Template:No Level 1 - Step 36
Level 2 - Upon Completion
7492 Yellow Keycard
& 7509 Luxurious Keycard
Template:Map Dewata Legend Quest 60 Template:No Step 7 Template:No
Laboratory Waste Disposal Plant Rudus Floor Template:Map, Template:Map, and Template:Map Illusion 110 Template:No Starting the Illusion Quest - Step 6 Template:No
Lighthalzen Dungeon (Biolabs 1F) Biolabs Entrance Quest 60 (Template:Map, Template:Map)
95 Non-Trans or
90 Transcendent (Template:Map)
Template:No Upon Completion 2657 Laboratory Permit
Lighthalzen Dungeon (Biolabs 2F) Biolabs Entrance Quest 60 (Template:Map, Template:Map)
95 Non-Trans or
90 Transcendent (Template:Map)
Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Lighthalzen Dungeon (Biolabs 4F) Dangerous Rumors 60 (Template:Map) Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Template:Map & Template:Map (Dimensional Gorge) Continental Guard Quest (Resurrection of Satan Morroc) 80 2 People Field 21 - Step 6
Field 22 Upon Completion
Morse's Cave Instance Isle of Bios 160 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Moscovia Dungeon
(Warp Portal can memo in field.)
Finding The Moving Island Quest None Template:No Upon Completion 2707 Gusli (Equipped)
Nameless Island
and Abbey
Nameless Island Entrance Quest 80 Template:No Step 14 Template:No
New World (Midgard Camp)
Cat Hand New World Quest OR Onward to the New World Quest 70 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
New World (Splendide & Manuk Fields) New Surroundings 70 Template:No Step 5 Template:No
Attitude to the New World 70 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Nidhoggur's Dungeon (Yggdrasil Dungeon) Two Tribes 70 Template:No Step 7 Template:No
Nidhoggur Nest Instance Guardian of Yggdrasil
& Two Tribes (Step 7)
70 Template:No Step 9 Template:No
Prontera Culvert Prontera Culverts Entrance Quest None Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Prontera Invasion The Royal Banquet 100 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Prontera Underground Prison The Royal Banquet 140 Template:No Upon Completion of Main Quest and Side Quest: Underground Prison Step 2 Template:No
Rachel Sanctuary Rachel Sanctuary Quest 60 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Room of Consciousness Instance The Royal Banquet 100 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Scaraba Dungeon Level 1 (Kamidal Tunnel) Sapha's Visit 70 Template:No Step 8 Template:No
Scaraba Dungeon Level 2 (Scaraba Hall) Doha's Secret Orders 70 Template:No Step 6 2782 Ring of the Ancient Wise King (Equipped)
Scaraba Dungeon Level 3 (Nightmare Mode Scaraba Hall) Doha's Secret Orders 70 Template:No Step 6 2782 Ring of the Ancient Wise King (Equipped)
and 6437 Scaraba Perfume
Sky Fortress Instance The Royal Banquet 145 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Temple of Demon God Instance Morse's Cave 160 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Thanatos Tower Thanatos Tower Quest None 5 People Upon Completion Template:No
The Last Room Instance Vestige 140 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Turtle Island Turtle Island Entrance Quest None Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Template:Map To Phantasmagorika! 140 Template:No Step 32 Template:No
Template:Map To Phantasmagorika! 140 Template:No Step 22 Template:No
Template:Map To Phantasmagorika! 140 Template:No Step 22 Template:No
Template:Map To Phantasmagorika! 140 Template:No Step 9 Template:No
Template:Map To Phantasmagorika! 140 Template:No Step 9 Template:No
Template:Map Terra Gloria 100 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Werner Laboratory Central Room Instance Terra Gloria 100 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
Wolfchev's Laboratory Instance Dangerous Rumors 60 Template:No Upon Completion Template:No
  • Notes