Recolor Hat For Aura/HeadGear

From VanRO Ragnarok Online

Head Gear Dyer NPC


Location: Prontera (181, 192)


Upon entering the dyeing shop, adventurers are greeted by the Head Gear Dyer, a skilled artisan known for transforming headgear colors with a rare material known as Mysterious Dyestuff.

Dialogue Start

  • Head Gear Dyer: Hello, traveler! I specialize in changing the color of headgear using Mysterious Dyestuff. Interested in a new look for your headgear?
  • Head Gear Dyer: Do you have a headgear you'd like to dye?

Choosing Headgear

The adventurer is presented with a list of headgear options to choose from:

  • Elf Aura, Atomic Aura, Over Flowing Aura, Kaho, Valkyrie HelmV2, SPIRITAURA, Ghost Tall Hat, Flame Spirit Aura, Abyss Aura, Naruto Aura, Nature Aura, Sheen Aura, WISPS Aura, HESTIA Aura, Side Roll Pony, Wild Long Hair, Odango Twintails, Pigtails Half Up, Intake, Ponytail Hair, Perfect_Aura, AURASPARKLYFLAKES, God Aura, and more.*

Color Selection

Upon selecting a headgear, the adventurer then chooses a desired color:

  • Normal, and specific color names like Blue, Red, Green, etc.*


10 TCG


The Head Gear Dyer warns the adventurer about the dyeing process:

  • Head Gear Dyer: Just a heads-up, your headgear will revert to +0 and any cards or upgrades will be lost. Are you sure about this?*


After confirming their choice, the adventurer hands over the Mysterious Dyestuff and the headgear to be dyed.

Checking for Modifications

The NPC checks if the headgear has any upgrades or attached cards. If found, the adventurer is reminded of the consequences.

  • Head Gear Dyer: Equipment with cards or upgrades? You were warned about this!*


Once verified, the dyeing process begins. The Head Gear Dyer carefully applies the dye, transforming the headgear to the desired color.

  • Head Gear Dyer: Voila! Looks great, doesn't it? Feel free to return if you want to dye more headgear!*

Final Note

Before parting ways, the Head Gear Dyer reminds adventurers about the potential risks and ensures they are satisfied with their newly dyed headgear.

Closing Dialogue

  • Head Gear Dyer: Thank you for choosing my services! Safe travels, adventurer!