TaeKwon Master

From VanRO Ragnarok Online
Revision as of 04:44, 11 October 2013 by wiki>Sen (1 revision)
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Skill Description Levels Type
Template:Skill List Permanently memorize a map as being a Place of either the Sun, the Moon, or the Stars. 3 Active
Template:Skill List Permanently memorize a monster or player class as being a Target of either the Sun, the Moon, or the Stars. 3 Active
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Barrier, which deals damage and pushes back enemies nearby.

Can only be used in corresponding SLS Place.

3 Active
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Bonus attack power against corresponding SLS (Solar/Lunar/Stellar) Target proportionally to level, DEX and LUK. 3 Passive
Template:Skill List Increases VIT DEF proportionally to level, DEX and LUK.

Can only be used in a Place of the Sun on a Solar Day.

4 Active
Template:Skill List Increases Flee proportionally to level, DEX and LUK.

Can only be used in a Place of the Moon on a Lunar Day.

4 Active
Template:Skill List Increases ASPD proportionally to level, DEX and LUK.

Can only be used in a Place of the Stars on a Stellar Day.

4 Active
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Bonus EXP for corresponding SLS Target on corresponding SLS Day. 5 Passive
Template:Skill List Permanently sacrifice sight in return for increasing ASPD. 10 Passive
Template:Skill List When using Counter Kick, any Monks in the party will have their chance of using Triple Attack increased. If any Monks in the party use Combo Finish, player's chance of using Counter Kick increases. 3 Passive
Template:Skill List Increases carry capacity when logging in a SLS Place. 10 Passive
Template:Skill List Fly off the ground, increase movement speed, attacks never miss and ignore DEF. HP is lost with every attack. Needs Star Gladiator Spirit to use, and deactivates spirit mode when used. 1 Active

External Links

Template:Navbox Star Gladiator Template:Navbox Classes